A wonderful, inspiring and thoroughly successful event, the 2016 Saltaire Arts Trail and makers fair was a delight for visitors and participants alike.
I was asked by the organisers to document the event in general and also key events such as the lovely Lasting Impressions project and the brilliant Miss Inform who (mis)guided visitors around Saltaire.

Artist and resident at 6 Victoria Road, Elizabeth Chambers

Leaving a lasting impression at the amazing Spinning Room

Hannah and Claire complete their very successful 3 days on the Lasting Impressions project

There were such a broad variety of participants in the Lasting Impressions project

Miss Inform takes Saltaire by Storm

Claire pins up yet another completed tag of special memories

A warm welcome on the Arts Trail

June Russell, chair of Saltaire Inspired and the Lord Mayor, address those gathered at the launch reception

Real interest and involvement in Lasting Impressions

A memento of the day they made and impression

Careful thought

Miss Inform helps visitors to 'mis'understand the history of Saltaire.

Another impression is carefully made in to the parcelain squares

Artist Anna Lilleegen and Impressions Gallery director Anne McNeill enjoy a glass of fizzy stuff at the event reception.

Maggie Silver, Director of Salts Mill, receives flowers as a way of thanks for all her assistance with the event.