“Each man is an island unto himself. But though a sea of difference may divide us, an entire world of commonality lies beneath” - James Rozoff. In Common is a gentle exploration into the polarisation, division and disconnect apparent in contemporary society. This reflective immersion into nature shows us that we all have our amazing uniqueness but the thing we all share is the natural world. And by reconnecting to nature, we will be reminded that we're all connected to each other. This immersive socially-engaged project will be featured at the 2025 Saltaire Arts Trail. Please contact me if you'd like to participate in this project and be one of the 'Commoners'.
“Each man is an island unto himself. But though a sea of difference may divide us, an entire world of commonality lies beneath” - James Rozoff. In Common is a gentle exploration into the polarisation, division and disconnect apparent in contemporary society. This reflective immersion into nature shows us that we all have our amazing uniqueness but the thing we all share is the natural world. And by reconnecting to nature, we will be reminded that we're all connected to each other. This immersive socially-engaged project will be featured at the 2025 Saltaire Arts Trail. Please contact me if you'd like to participate in this project and be one of the 'Commoners'.